Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Website Update Version 3.0 Details

With over just a year ago since the last site update V2.0 we wanted to let you all know of the changes within the recent V3.0 Web Site Update. We wanted to give you a detailed list of all the changes on the site because you might not be able to notice many of them.

Even though there's not many new noticeable visual changes within the update, many of the new additions and improvements to the site are behind-the-scenes updates and are still big things even though you can't see them. This website update actually has on every page something changed to it may it be big or small.

To start off I,
DMaster the Leader/Admin of the clan have been working on this site update for quite some time now, about a few months if I can remember correctly. In the beginning of working on the update I had some pretty big hopes and dreams about somethings I always wanted to do with the site, for instance.

I really wanted the site to have an official full clan Registration/Login System but came to find out that it is going to be quite complicated, a big hassle and quite expensive to do. So even though I could not create a complete brand-new Registration/Login System from scratch, I found out a way we could, with help from Cous Cous one of our clan Elite Members, to be able to modified our clan Forms for the Registration/Login System. (SOME INFORMATION NOW NOT UP TO DATE)